CDA Power Yoga


We teach Baptiste Yoga™. This practice will empower you to create accelerated results in your overall body strength and confidence. The instruction at CDA Power Yoga adapts the practices and processes for every body and places emphasis on clear language.

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Crow and Beyond

  • CDA Power Yoga 2018 Main Street Coeur d'Alene, idaho USA (map)

Crow pose is a versatile pose that is the bridge to many other arm balances.  It is the building block of arm balances and is a posture that can be modified, varied, and upleveled to all skill levels.  Your workshop experience will be personalized for your skill level and will focus on crow pose and other postures such as side crow, dwipada, eka pada koundinyasana 1 and 2, elephant trunk, eight angle pose, shoulder pressure pose, and/or firefly.  You will gain confidence in your arm balances and have fun shifting weight onto your hands and off your feet!  

Join Kim Tuesday, May 14th for a 75 minute, all levels arm balance workshop.  You will learn:

·        Progressive steps for your skill level

·        Foundation and alignment personalized for your body

·        Entrance and exit strategies

·        Modifications and uplevels

·        Fun transitions

·        How to integrate your arm balances into your current yoga practice

Date: Tuesday, May 14th

Time: 7pm – 8:15pm

Fee: $45 **members ask for your 10% discount

Earlier Event: April 11
Crow and Headstands Workshop
Later Event: May 30

CDA Power Yoga      2018 N Main Coeur d'Alene, Idaho     208-290-5777