CDA Power Yoga


We teach Baptiste Yoga™. This practice will empower you to create accelerated results in your overall body strength and confidence. The instruction at CDA Power Yoga adapts the practices and processes for every body and places emphasis on clear language.

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Pillars Practice

  • CDA Power Yoga 2018 Main Street Coeur d'Alene USA (map)

*** 5 person limit. Sign up Today ***

Join us for a 60 minute workshop all about the pillars of a yoga practice: flow, focus, heat, foundation and breath.

You will receive individual instruction regarding foundation and alignment for your body, and tools to make your practice work for YOU. This is a great class for brand new practitioners, those working around injuries, and anyone simply looking to gain a deeper understanding of their yoga practice.

Earlier Event: January 23
Pillars Practice
Later Event: February 14
Valentine's Day Partner Yoga

CDA Power Yoga      2018 N Main Coeur d'Alene, Idaho     208-290-5777