Unwind, Restore, Renew. Mellow Flow is our cooler and slower paced alternative to Power Flow. This class starts with Journey Into Power flow with slower transitions and finishes with Yin Yoga where postures are held for longer periods. The more gentle nature of this class is great for beginners and also wonderful for intermediate students who want to slow it down and sink deeper into their practice. Room is lightly heated to 80 degrees. This special 75 minute class will end with a long savasana and 25 minutes of Yoga Nidra.
Yoga Nidra, or Yoga Sleep, is a powerful meditation technique in which the practitioner lays comfortably in savasana, and experienced a state of consciousness between sleeping and awake, similar to the "going-to-sleep" stage. In this state, the body is completely relaxed, as the practitioner is guided through a systematic meditation. Yoga Nidra is for everyone and there is no wrong way to do it. Falling asleep is common, as you will still receive benefits while the unconscious mind is absorbing the practice. There are countless benefits to Yoga Nidra, including helping to activate the relaxation response and improving the functioning of the nervous system and endocrine system, which affect hormones. It helps cells regenerate and repair, and decreases anxiety, reduces stress, and promotes deep rest. This practice is being used at increasing rates in those suffering from trauma, Traumatic Brian Injury, chronic pain, and insomnia. It is said that 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to 2-4 hours of REM sleep, leaving you feeling relaxed and rested.
*recommended that you bring your own pillow(s), blankets, and props to maximize your comfort.
Sunday 1/14 5:30-6:45pm