CDA Power Yoga


We teach Baptiste Yoga™. This practice will empower you to create accelerated results in your overall body strength and confidence. The instruction at CDA Power Yoga adapts the practices and processes for every body and places emphasis on clear language.

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Intro to Baptiste Yoga Workshop

In this 90 minute workshop you will learn basics of Baptiste Yoga using True North Alignment- the blueprint for all postures. It's the perfect opportunity for yoga beginners or yogis wishing to deepen their learning to gain confidence in the form, alignment and flow of the poses in the Journey Into Power sequence we teach at CDA Power Yoga.

During your active 14 day New Student Special, you are eligible to enjoy this workshop on us! Please ask in the studio or contact us to take advantage of this complimentary offer.

Earlier Event: November 30
Friday Night Beats After Party (Azteca)
Later Event: December 16
Sunday Night Mellow Flow

CDA Power Yoga      2018 N Main Coeur d'Alene, Idaho     208-290-5777